NOTE: Under rare conditions this sometimes leads to the loss of data. The db_optimize option can be used to enforce the release of unused disk space used by the DBM::Deep object. In this case the type option will be set to CACHE automatically. If the creation of the database fails the cause for the error can be determined calling the get_error() function. sysoid.db' or under the location specified through the ' db_dir' and ' db_file' option. If run in the DB mode the constructor will try to create a DBM::Deep database either under '. The other mode is called cache mode (set type to Net::SNMP::Vendor::CACHE). The recommended mode is the database mode (set type to Net::SNMP::Vendor::DB) which is enabled by default. The module can be run in two different modes.

CONSTRUCTOR new ( )Ĭreates and returns a blessed reference to a Vendor object. NOTE: The result will be lost as soon as the process finishes that created the hash.

That will cause the module to store the loaded list within a normal hash reference If you prefer not to store the result persistently you might use Net::SNMP::Vendor::CACHE in combination with the type option in the constructor. This module tries to persistently cache with DBM::Deep the vendor information to avoid obsesive network use. To get the cause for the error you might call the get_error() function. If the ID is unkown the module will return undef. If the ID is assigned and in the cache the module will return a hash reference to a vendor object giving all information stored by the IANA for that certain vendor ID. You might then either pass the whole string or the extracted vendor ID to the module as described above.' followed by the vendors identification ID and the vendor assigned device ID. The result will be as described above a dotted decimal string with the prefix '. To obtain the sysObjectID perform a SNMP get_request operation on the SNMP agent for the following OID '. Futhermore this ID points usually to an entry in the vendors SMI within the enterprise subtree under '. The Internet Assigned Numbers Association (maintains a list of all assgined sysObjectID which can be used to determine the vendor of a SNMP agent. My $vendor = $v->lookup(sysid => $sysObjectID) DESCRIPTION Net::SNMP::Vendor - lookup the Vendor for a sysObjectID based on the IANA list SYNPOSIS use Net::SNMP::Vendor